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Bible & Bagels

Two rabbis and two evangelical pastors get together in a bar…. Sounds like the beginning of a joke. But it is in fact a reality. Well at least the part where two rabbis and two pastors get together. We get together not in a bar but at each other’s homes of worship to study Torah and Gospels together. For the past 45 months or so, we have met once a month to study a chapter of Torah and a chapter of the gospels together. We are nearing the end of Genesis and have read through Matthew and much of Acts.

It has been a profoundly enlightening experience for me to hear Genesis being taught through the eyes of a devout Christian. It has been wildly informative to hear the gospels taught by true believers. I know it has been richly rewarding for my pastor friends to hear the Torah taught from a rabbinic perspective and to reflect on our interpretation of the gospels.

We have been contemplating for many months how we can bring our experience of studying together to a wider audience. We would love for our congregants to see just how inspiring it is that leaders of Judaism and Christianity can come together and inform each other’s understanding of the Bible.

On Sunday May 6th at 6 PM, we will come together at Southern Hills Baptist Church located at 6425 W Pebble Rd Las Vegas, NV 89139 to do just that.

Rabbi Felipe Goodman, Pastor Josh Teis, Ty Perry and I will demonstrate what we do each month as we expound on one of our tradition’s greatest stories from the Torah, the Akedah, and the Binding of Isaac. From the Christian tradition, we will explicate Jesus’ ‘Sermon on the Mount’ from the Book of Matthew.

Rabbi Goodman and I will each present the different ways the rabbis have interpreted the sections and Pastor Teis and Ty Perry will present the Christian teachings on the same sections.

Refreshments will follow. I hope you can join us. SEE FLYER

Rabbi Bradley Tecktiel has been Midbar Kodesh Temple's spiritual leader since August 2008. Rabbi Tecktiel was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in May of 1996. He holds two Bachelor of Arts degrees, one from List College and one from Columbia University. He also holds a Masters of Arts from the Jewish Theological Seminary.

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