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The Purim Carnival is coming to Midbar Kodesh Religious School and Early Childhood Center

This year Midbar Kodesh Temple will collect non-perishable canned goods, kosher for Passover non-perishables and other non-perishable kosher items for the JFSA food pantry from Purim to Passover. As part of the mitzvah of giving to charity at Purim and at Passover the congregation and carnival goers can collect food or donate money and/or gift cards for the JFSA food pantry. Colorful bags to fill for the pantry will be given out at the carnival.

The JFSA food pantry has experienced about a 30% increase in food requests each month. They have expanded their services to include Kosher food and frozen and cold items as well as toiletries and infant needs, including diapers, formula and baby food. The pantry is supported by donations of money, gift cards, non-perishable foods and grants from organizations.

Carnival games, rides, fun and food will be the centerpiece of the annual Purim Carnival at Midbar Kodesh Temple to be held at the synagogue on Sunday, March 12 at 11:30 a.m. A Megillah reading for families and young children will begin at 11:00 a.m. A FREE BBQ luncheon, which is the kickoff for Midbar Kodesh Temple's "Campaign For The Future" will be featured. Admission to the carnival is $10 per person. Midbar's USYers will be on hand to run the booths and games.

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