MKT ECC Car Wash A Huge Success!
Miss Val and Miss Katey's students at the Midbar Kodesh Temple Early Childhood Center spent the year learning about building a better world through mitzvot. This week, the children put everything they have learned into practice and held the car wash to benefit the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, as they did for the first time last year. The preschoolers more than doubled the money that they earned from last year, filling their Tzedakah box with over $660.00! To the car wash and bake sale proceeds they will add the tzedakah money they have earned by doing good deeds at home and then take joy in making their donation to ISF, a foundation that teaches how to respect our environment and it's inhabitants by caring for each other, the animals and the planet.
Thank you to MKT members and ECC parents who stopped by the car wash and bake sale.