Eliana Ioane called to the Torah this week at Midbar Kodesh Temple
Eliana Ioane, daughter of D.J. Ioane and Aviva Gordon-Ioane, and sister to Rebecca and Joshua, will be called to the Torah at Midbar...
Eliana Ioane called to the Torah this week at Midbar Kodesh Temple
Meet our newest members: The Blitz Fam!
Elul – A Time to Reflect
Why We Give: Connie Pectol and the David L. Simon Foundation
A letter from Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan
Back in Class at Midbar Kodesh Temple Early Childhood Center
Monthly Book Club Is Back... Guess what we're reading
Adult Bar or Bat Mitzvah Classes at Midbar Kodesh Temple
Hebrew Learning at Midbar Kodesh Temple
Judaism 101 returns to Midbar Kodesh Temple, starts September 12th