Abby Stidham to be called to the Torah at Midbar Kodesh Temple
Abby Leah Stidham, daughter of Midbar Kodesh Temple members Heidi Stidham and Michael Stidham will be called to the Torah in September....
Abby Stidham to be called to the Torah at Midbar Kodesh Temple
Midbar Kodesh Temple's Steven Doctors returns as Youth Director
Meet our newest members: The Rosenberg-Moas Fam!
Adam Kartzinel completes his Mitzvah project
Judaism and Organ Donation
Summer Reading
Tikkun Olam - How Can You Help?
Grand Pals visit Midbar Kodesh Early Childhood Center
Mazel Tov to Joel and the Cruvant family
Mazel Tov to Barry and the Cruvant Family