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Memorial Plaques

Midbar Kodesh Temple makes a permanent wall of remembrance within our chapel possible, providing an ever-present tribute to important people in our lives. Your donation and dedication of a memorial plaque help perpetuate the memory of a loved one. The light next to the plaque can be turned on yearly to signify the anniversary.


Purchasing a Memorial Plaque at Midbar Kodesh in the name of a loved one who has passed away, is a special mitzvah and a way to honor your loved one’s memory permanently. Memorial Plaques are $350 each. Each memorial plaque includes a personal inscription.
A light next to your loved one’s plaque is lit each year on the week of the yahrzeit and four times for our Yizkor Memorial Services. Your loved one’s name is read at services on the Shabbat preceding the yahrzeit, in perpetuity.

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