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Put your dough back into the Temple...
Weekly Challah Sales

Set your Shabbat dinner table with kosher challah from Trader Joe's!
Sales begin today and will continue every week, with all funds raised will go towards MKT Programming.

Here’s how it works:

  • Go to our form to sign up for your choice of quantity and when you need it. â€‹

  • Plan out a month or 2 at a time.

  • One time pre-order purchases are  welcome.  Pick up at MKT starts Thursday & Fridays between 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.

  • One loaf: $6


Forgot to pre-order*? Walk in purchases are also welcome during pick up times:
*Note: We cannot guarantee availability without pre-order. 

**Note: Pick-up days and times might change due to holidays and festivals.

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